SEOUL FOODIE: 간장게장 Raw Crabs Marinated in Soy Sauce Restaurants Review

Korea being the home to raw crabs marinated in soy sauce (간장게장), it’s a must-try when you head to Seoul!

Fun fact – since the dish is so savoury, the dish is known for being a 밥도둑 which translates to “rice-thief”.

As a person who has a really sensitive stomach, I was rather skeptic to try it the first time. Raw crabs? Hmm… But as soon as I had my first bite, it is now BY FAR one of my favourite food to have when I visit Korea! Although I am giving it so much credit, it can also be a hit or miss depending on where you have it. If you are willing to pay a little extra, you would be AMAZED at how mind-blowingly delicious it is.

To help you save your time, read on for a quick review of 3 restaurants I’ve tried. You’ll also have an option of a lower price point (but still good) if you’re not sure whether it’s worth it to splurge.

MUST VISIT: Pro Soy Crab 프로간장게장

Pro Soy Crab (프로간장게장) is by FAR the best among the 3. Their walls are decorated with photographs taken with tons of celebrities, so that says something. Needless to say, this is definitely a pricey restaurant. But if you are willing to spend extra for higher quality crab, this is a must-visit!

Small 간장게장, KRW 67,000

Their crab is fresh and meltingly-soft, while how the crab oozes with creamy roe is what was most memorable! I guarantee once you’ve tried this, you would not want to visit any other affordable alternatives. The set also came with very fluffy steamed egg (계란찜).


Address: 서울 서초구 잠원동 27-10 | Sinsa Station Exit 4
Phone #: +82 2-543-4126 |Opening hours: 12:00-24:00

AFFORDABLE ALTERNATIVE: Ahyeondong Ganjang Gejang (아현동간장게장)

The first marinated crab I have tried was actually from Ahyeondong Ganjang Gejang (아현동간장게장). Since I was not sure whether I would like it, I decided to find a cheaper alternative first. To my surprise, the crab is actually very good value for money.

간장게장, KRW 18,000/1 portion

When you order a portion of the crab, they also give you Soybean Paste Soup (된장국) on the house. The crab meat is not as tender (although not too big of a difference) and you get less crab roe, but it is a great option for skeptical first-timers!

Address: 서울특별시 마포구 아현동 282-1 | Ah Yeon Station Exit 4
Phone #: 02-312-7530|Opening hours: Mon-Sat, 10:00-14:30, 17:00-21:00

NOT SURE: 해변의꽃게 인사동점

해변의꽃게 인사동점 is a buffet-style restaurant. Although they seem to have some great reviews among locals, I had a really bad experience dining here – not sure if I was just unlucky that day.

Buffet Set: KRW 19,900/person

The restaurant is outdoor on ground floor. I visited this restaurant last summer, and although there were glass doors, flies would come in once the door opened. It was quite distracting (and not the most hygienic) to try to enjoy my meal while flies said hi to me. When it came to the taste, the crabs were incredibly salty and a bit “metallic”.

On the good side though, their soy-sauce marinated shrimp (간장 새우장) and seafood hotpot that came with the set was a lot tastier!

Address: 서울 종로구 인사동3길 5-3지번인사동 142지도보기 | Jonggak Yeok Station Exit 3
Phone #: 02-722-7237|Opening hours: 11:00 – 22:00

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